White-bellied Sea Eagle

White-bellied Sea Eagle , Visakhapatnam

White-bellied Sea Eagle is the pride of Visakhapatnam.It is one of the largest birds found in Vizag Coast.According to Wikipedia few years ago they wrote that soon these majestic birds will not be found in Vizag due to deforestation and disturbances caused to its nesting sites .

But recently after  major cyclone we have spotted around 5 to 7 nesting pairs on cell phone towers and trees . This is really a good news because soon the count would be double if there is less human disturbance caused . We can hope for an increase in its number as they nest in the same places for two or three consecutive years if not disturbed.
White-bellied Sea Eagle ,  Visakhapatnam

As Vizag is a fast developing city in South Asia everything is being developed in every sector , so more number of  cell towers,hence they became a home for these Sea eagles.

Abundant availability of food in Vizag coast line became a natural place for nesting at sea coast .
As the number is increasing one can find White-bellied Sea Eagle with various nesting  materials and food at various places .
