Tiger Shark / (Galeocerdo cuvier)

Tiger Shark , Visakhapatnam 

Tiger Shark , Visakhapatnam 

Tiger Shark , Visakhapatnam 

 Tiger Shark  ( Galeocerdo cuvier )  is among the largest extant sharks, capable of reaching lengths of 3.25 - 4.25 m ( 11 - 13 ft ) .
 This shark can be identified by its dark spots and stripes on its skin. It has a white underbelly .
Tiger sharks have a sensory organ called as " lateral line " which helps them to detect minute electric impulses and vibrations in water .
This allows the shark to hunt in total darkness and detect hidden prey.
The Tiger Shark is threatened by target and non target fishing. In fishing harbours of Andhra Pradesh it is observed in recent times there is an increase in demand for shark fins, which is disturbing .

IUCN Status : Near Threatened
It's local name is Kitalam sorra (కితలo  సొర )
